
Tonight Ryan is gone to football camp and the weekend was so busy I didn’t make it to the grocery. So what was for dinner was the question? With no input from my hubby I had to decide. So I decided easy since it was already six. 

Reagan and I ran into Safeway because all I had was a checkbook. My card and ID was still in my purse from the bachelorette party. So we grabbed our chicken dinner and stood in the rush hour grocery line. When we were finally checking out, I was writing my check to try not to hold the line up. I handed my check to the cashier hoping I had written a check there recently so they wouldn’t ask for my ID. (Remember it’s in my other purse.)  Well, I never write checks and the dreaded request for ID happens. I explain all I have is my check book. The cashier hollers across to the next checker, she doesn’t have her ID what can I do?

The moment you dread at the grocery. The entire rush hour line starring at you. Your toddler in your arms as you try to quietly explain why you don’t have your ID. Then the cashier at the other register tells you, sorry we can’t do anything for you. So you say, okay, I just won’t take my groceries, as you apologize to the people behind you for the hold up. 

Then all of the sudden the lady a person behind me says, “can I add her groceries to my bill?” I try and say, no, no you don’t need to do that. But she insists she knows what it’s like to be at the store late with a baby in tow and you just need a little help. I tell her thank you and ask her if I can write her the check for my groceries. Which she accepts, and I am beyond thankful! 

This woman’s kindness brings me to tears (and it did as soon as I got to my car) because sometimes being a mom, a wife, an employee, a friend… really just being human is hard. I try so hard to keep it all together. To do what is best and right all the time. And then I show up at the grocery after work with just my checkbook. And it doesn’t go well. All I could do was excuse myself from the embarrassment of the situation. Until a lady who understands how hard and busy life is offers to help me.

So to the lady at Safeway, Veronica was her name, Thank You for your kindness tonight! It meant so much and I will look for a way to pay it forward to another person! 

Bride to Be

My Friday and Saturday were dedicated to celebrating my sister’s upcoming wedding! I have been looking so forward to spending the weekend celebrating her. And the weekend did not disappoint!

Friday started off with choosing our bridesmaid dresses. Then lunch and a couple hours of pool time. Followed by manicures and pedicures. Opening of presents. Concluding the day with a delightful dinner at Bin 707.

Saturday was the big day, a wine tasting carriage tour with JR’s Carriage. The tour was AMAZING! Twelve girls came out to celebrate with Elise and we had so much fun! One of those days we will always remember.

The weekend and events were awesome. But what I loved most was literally spending time that was dedicated only to Elise. Ryan and my parents took care of Reagan, so I could just be present and available for whatever our plans evolved into. It isn’t very often you can escape life to just celebrate someone! But I am so thankful I was able to do that for my sister, who deserves the best! So my JOY for the last three days, since I didn’t write each day, was found in Elise. Joy in who she was before Tyler. Joy in their relationship. And Joy in their future together! I love you sister!

Exhausting Day

Oh my! Since 5am I have been going a 100 mph. And now I am exhausted. But I must say, I accomplished a ton at work today. And I got the finishing touches ready for my sisters bachelorette weekend! So excited to celebrate Elise!

Surprise VisitĀ 

Sydnie and Tyler surprised us tonight when they rode their bikes a mile over to our house. Sydnie was so proud of herself and also in need of a drink of water. She is adorable it makes me so happy to see pride beaming from that little lady.

Sydnie took a picture with Reagan and me as proof she and Tyler really did come all the way to our house!

Brussel SproutsĀ 

Today Ryan called me to see what I wanted for dinner. In the middle of a busy work day I gave him a couple of generic options. And his response, “those sound awful.” Okay, well then you choose I replied. After a long day of work I would just eat a bowl of cereal, but that isn’t really an option with my foodie husband. 

The best thing about Ryan, when he doesn’t like my food choices for dinner, he is an amazing cook and can come up with a delicious meal. So tonight he decided Treager BBQ chicken, cilantro rice and brussel sprouts with homemade garlic aoli. Everything was delicious, especially his brussel sprouts and aoli sauce.

I am seriously so grateful for my chef of a husband. He helps me so much in the kitchen and doesn’t just leave the cooking to me. We share the responsibility, even though lately he seems to be cooking a little bit more. He is such a blessing to me in so many ways. But tonight I wanted to publicly praise his cooking skills!

Thank you, babe, for always making sure we are well fed!

Iced Tea

Tonight at 7:00 my husband opened up the fridge to find the iced tea dispenser had been flipped up and tea was all over the fridge. Seriously top to bottom. The only way to clean up… literally remove every single item and the shelves and drawers.

It wasn’t really my plan to do tonight, but there was no other option. So I began the hour long process of cleaning up. And as I removed each item I felt so blessed. Blessed to have a fridge full of food. Blessed to have spent Memorial Day with Ryan’s family. Blessed to live in this country. I honestly just felt an overwhelming sense of peace as I cleaned up the mess.

It’s because Memorial Day makes me pause and reflect on what a privilege it is to live in America. I am so thankful for the men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting our freedoms. I am so grateful for these soldiers and their families. So today and everyday I want to say thank you!  


I love s’mores! I saw a recipe on Facebook yesterday for a s’mores cookie. It looked amazing. So I decided to make it tonight. Bake chocolate chip cookies. Broil marshmallows on top. Then the recipe said to dip half the cookie in melted chocolate and also in crumbled gram crackers. But instead we drizzled each cookie with melted chocolate and smooshed half a gram cracker on top (much easier and less messy.) Served them with a glass of cold milk. They were delicious and I will make them again!