
I have been blessed with such an amazing husband. And today I thought I might just share a few things I love most about him.

Ryan is dedicated. He is one of the most loyal people I have ever known. To his family and friends he is always there. 

Ryan is fun. He knows how to have a good time! Now I just need to relax a bit more and follow his lead.

He loves tradition. From recipes to annual trips. 

Ryan is easy going. He has taught me to go with the flow. This applies to everyday life and also the big moments in life. I like to be in control, but Ryan has helped me learn to except the things we cannot change and not worry my life away. 

Ryan is handy. He can fix and build. I just need him to put up his tools up when he is done.

Ryan is a dreamer. I love his hopes and dreams for our family and himself.

Ryan can cook! Need I say more?

Ryan is a football coach. He is dedicated and passionate about the sport and the kids he coaches. His commitment to the game inspires me because he truly loves to coach football. We are definitely a football family now, because we are his biggest fans and always are looking forward to Friday night lights. 

Ryan is the best Dad! I always knew he would be.  But seeing him and Reagan together melts my heart and brings me so much JOY. Literally everyday his relationship grows with Reagan and it makes me so happy to see.

These a just a few of the reasons I am lucky to call Ryan mine. And today I want to say thank you for being the best dad and husband. Reagan and I love love love you! Happy Father’s Day babe!

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