
A night spent with my dear friend Diana was just what my soul needed. After our girls went down we sat and chatted for hours. About life. About motherhood. About our hubbies. About our passions.

What I have always loved about Diana is her creativity. She is a talent when it comes to creating. She literally can do it all, sew, knit, you name it, she can probably do it. 

Over the last year she has found a new talent. Photography. And she is a talent. I am so inspired by her passion to start her own photography business. From her photos to blog to website, she is really moving and shaking. And I love seeing the gleam in her eyes and hearing the excitement in her voice.

Our conversation tonight makes me do a little self reflecting. I ask myself about 6 times a year what am I really personally passionate about. And to be honest I am not sure I can honestly answer that. I am not sure where my own personal passion lies. Everything gets so mixed up in the day to day that finding and doing what I am passionate about gets lost in the grind. So with my challenge to find and share JOY daily, I also will be trying to find what my personal passion is. I am hope one day I will realize it and have the courage to pursue it. Thank you Diana for inspiring me! 

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