Family Vaca

We just got back from a family vacation to Mesquite. We spent a lot of time eating, sleeping, swimming, bird hunting (that is chasing birds, Reagan’s newest hobby) and just being together. I intended to blog each day while we were there. Share the stories of the day. But then I simply didn’t want to. I was enjoying my time with my family and some me time. Being present and in the moment with no schedule, no deadlines and no to do list.  It was wonderful and I just wanted to keep it for myself. 

Anyway, here is my favorite picture of the trip. It’s the first one we took when we arrived. I love everything about this awkward photo. My husband hates photos but is humering me. Reagan is pulling me into her by my neck saying mommy. And I am just trying to get myself into the photo because I never take selfies. But this photo captures the two biggest joys of my life!

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