Katie the Kitten

Today we found out my parents cat died. Unexpectedly and in a sad way. One of those moments in life you just were not expecting. It has brought a lot sadness to our family because Katie was a good cat and we all loved her. I guess I never even realized how much I liked her until my mom told me she was gone.  

All day long I have had Katie on my mind. We found her abandoned as a kitten and fed her to my moms dismay. So she became the family cat. She loved my dad. Would follow him around, sit on his shoulder while he worked at his desk in the garage and would knead his stomach with her paws. He was her human. She drove him crazy, but he really enjoyed her company. She tolerated  the dogs, but wanted to smack Stanley for being annoying (she had every reason to.) She was gentle with Sydnie and Reagan. Miss Reagan loving called her meow meow! Katie was a garage cat but always wanted to be an inside dog, so she would sneak in every chance she got. 

It’s amazing when you start to think about an animal how many stories you have of them. The good and annoying all make up the fondest memories. We will miss you Katie. And while today’s loss was not joyful, we thank you for the joy brought us.

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